
Hello, I’m Tim Coates, a parish administrator, dedicated counselor, and versatile freelance software developer. My passion extends beyond my roles; it’s rooted in a deep desire to make the world a better place.

With an MSc. (Computing) degree in my arsenal, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and empathy to my work. Whether it’s offering counseling support, building websites, or designing photograph memorials, I thrive on making a positive impact.

Beyond my professional life, I have a rich tapestry of hobbies that keep me balanced and inspired. I find joy in cooking, experimenting with new recipes, and savoring the flavors of diverse cuisines. In my downtime, you might also find me immersed in the world of gaming, strategizing, and exploring virtual realms. Chess is another passion of mine, where I engage in cerebral battles and sharpen my strategic thinking. And, of course, I value the importance of a good night’s sleep to rejuvenate and recharge for the challenges and adventures life brings.

What truly drives me is my unwavering commitment to making a difference. Every project I undertake, every act of kindness I extend, and every person I help is a step towards the brighter, better world I envision. I believe that even the smallest gestures can have a profound impact, and I’m dedicated to inspiring positive change wherever I go.

If you’d like to connect, collaborate, or simply share in the enjoyment of these passions and the vision of a better world, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email at timcoates.solutions@gmail.com.

I draw inspiration from the goal of making the world better, and I’m excited to continue using my diverse skill set and hobbies to enrich the lives of those I serve and to contribute to the positive transformation of our world.


I’m Tim

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to mental health and software development. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, self-discovery, and personal growth. In this space, we’ll explore the intricate connections between our mental well-being and the art of coding! Together, we’ll unravel the mysteries of code and the complexities of the human mind, finding solace and inspiration in the intersection of these two worlds.

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